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Acre1BMS-SW Sewage Treatment Plant Power Monitoring Solution


Acre1BMS-SW Sewage Treatment Plant Power Monitoring Solution

2024-02-01 11:58:29


Acre1BMS-SW Sewage Treatment Plant Power Monitoring Solution is used to monitor the total energy consumption and energy consumption intensity of sewage plants by installing protection, monitoring, analysis, and treatment devices at various key nodes of the sewage plant source, grid, load, energy storage and charging, providing overall solutions for enterprises to use energy safely, reliably, efficiently and realize load balance. Key points Monitor the energy efficiency of main energy-consuming equipment, protect the safe and reliable operation of sewage plants, improve the energy efficiency of sewage plants, and provide scientific and sophisticated solutions for energy efficiency management of sewage treatment.

AcrelEMS smart water comprehensive energy efficiency management system consists of Substation Automation Monitoring Solution, power monitoring and energy efficiency management system, covering water medium voltage distribution system, electrical safety, emergency power supply, energy management, lighting control, equipment operation and maintenance, etc., and runs through the water service The energy flow helps operation and maintenance managers understand the operating status of the water distribution system in real time through a platform and an APP, and can be adapted to the management needs of the water logistics department based on authority.




⚫ Sewage Plants

⚫ Water Purification Plants

⚫ Water Plants

⚫ Water Pumping Stations

Acre1BMS-SW Sewage Treatment Plant Power Monitoring Solution Composition and Functions

Configure relay protection and arc flash protection for the 35kV and 10kV voltage levels in the water distribution system to realize functions such as telemetry, remote signaling, remote control, and remote adjustment, and provide timely warnings for abnormal situations.
Monitor the current, voltage, active/reactive power, power factor, load factor, temperature, three-phase balance, abnormal alarm and other data of transformers, water pumps and blowers.
⚫ Automation system for substations of 110kV and below
⚫ Realize telemetry, remote signaling, remote control, accident recall,
⚫ Fault recording,
⚫ Safety protection
⚫ Upload scheduling
Build a measurement system for water affairs to display the energy flow and energy loss of water affairs. Use energy flow diagrams to help water affairs analyze the direction of energy consumption and find abnormal energy consumption areas.
Concentrate all energy-related parameters on a dashboard, conduct comparative analysis from multiple dimensions, and achieve energy consumption comparisons in each process link to help leaders control the energy consumption, energy costs, standard coal emissions, etc. of the entire factory.
Energy consumption data statistics collection of electricity, water, gas, cooling and heat consumption of sewage plants, water plants, water pumping stations, etc. in water affairs, year-on-year comparative analysis, total energy consumption and energy consumption intensity calculation, standard coal calculation and CO2 Emissions statistics trends.
Energy efficiency analysis is carried out separately according to the three-level measurement structure, which meets the requirements of the energy management system. It can analyze the energy efficiency level of each workshop/functional department, year-on-year, month-on-month, benchmarking, etc. Through sewage treatment output and energy consumption data collected by the system, a sewage unit consumption trend chart is generated in the sewage unit consumption, and year-on-year and month-on-month analysis is conducted. At the same time, the unit consumption of sewage is benchmarked with industry/national/international advanced indicators to facilitate enterprises. The production process can be adjusted according to the unit consumption of the product, thereby reducing energy consumption.
Power monitoring
⚫ Real time monitoring
⚫ Error alarm
⚫ Report statistics
⚫ Load curve
⚫ Medium voltage protection relay error prevention
⚫ Event record
Energy consumption analysis
⚫ Carbon emissions analysis
⚫ Energy saving comparison
⚫ Total energy consumption
⚫ Energy consumption performance
⚫ Energy flow
⚫ Energy consumption per unit of production
Provides lighting control management solutions for sewage plants, water plants, water pumping stations, etc., supporting multiple control methods such as single control, regional control, automatic control, induction control, timing control, scene control, dimming control, etc. The module can automatically Identify the sunrise and sunset times to realize automatic control functions, make full use of natural lighting, and realize intelligent control of indoor and factory lighting to achieve the goals of safety, energy saving, comfort, and efficiency.
⚫ Centralized control
⚫ Scene control
⚫ Auto dimming
⚫ Induction control
⚫ Cutomatic control
⚫ Street light control


A large number of high-power motors and water pumps in water affairs are started by variable frequency, resulting in a large number of harmonics in the distribution system. By monitoring the harmonic distortion, voltage fluctuation, flicker and tolerance indicators of the distribution system, the power quality is analyzed and the corresponding Power quality management measures improve the quality of power supply.


Motor monitoring realizes the protection, telemetry, remote signaling, and remote control functions of motors in water services. The motor protector can protect, monitor, and alarm against abnormal conditions such as overload, short circuit, phase loss, and leakage. Efficiently and accurately reflect the fault status, fault time, fault location, and related information, and conduct health diagnosis and preventive maintenance of the motor. At the same time, it supports cooperation with PLC, soft start, frequency converter, etc. to realize automatic or remote control of the motor, monitor and control various process equipment, and ensure normal production.
⚫ Provide protection and alarm for abnormal working conditions of the motor
⚫ Provide telemetry, remote signaling and remote control functions


Real-time monitoring of electrical parameters such as current, voltage, power and circuit breaker switching status of each channel of the low-voltage grid-connected cabinet, monitoring of inverter operation, and input DC voltage, DC current, and DC power of each photovoltaic string on the DC side of the inverter. , monitor the inverter AC voltage, AC current, frequency, power factor, current power generation, and cumulative power generation, and draw the historical data of each of the above monitored parameters in a curve.
Based on the actual distribution of the factory area, the platform displays the distribution of distributed photovoltaic modules on roofs and carports through 3D or 2.5D plans, showing the locations of combiner boxes and grid connection points, and the installed capacity of each roof.
⚫ Day/month/year/cumulative power generation statistics
⚫ Power generation curve analysis
⚫ Carbon emission reduction analysis

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